Snowshoe Cat Weight By Age – A Full guide

Snowshoe cats are a unique breed of cat that is characterized by their white feet. They are also distinguished by their long coats, which can come in a variety of colors. While they share many similarities with Siamese cats, they are a separate breed. Snowshoe cats are also known for being very affectionate and good with children.

They typically reach full size at around two years old, and they have an average lifespan of 15 years. Snowshoe kittens are particularly adorable, and they usually have blue eyes. If you’re looking for a unique and loving companion, a snowshoe cat might be the perfect pet for you.

Snowshoe Cat Weight By Age

Snowshoe cats are so shy at first, but once you get to know them, you practically have to chase these little sweethearts away! If you are new to the breed or simply considering a Snowshoe cat, then we’ve got some useful information today for you.

In this article, we’ll talk about your cat’s projected growth rate, as well as health considerations that you should be aware of, and we’ll even throw in a nutritional tip or two so that you can help to assure that your cat grows up happy and healthy.

Let’s talk about Snowshoes cats and their weight by age!

Snowshoe Cat Weight By Age

While we can give you a general idea of what to expect as your Snowshoe cat grows, we should take a moment to remind you that each kitty is unique and so you shouldn’t be too surprised if your own kitty differs a little or even a LOT.

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Snowshoe Cat Weight By Age

If you purchased your kitty from a breeder, we highly recommend asking them for the measurements of the parents, as this is going to be a good indicator of your cat’s final weight, but even that is no guarantee – some genes can ‘jump’ and you might end up with a tiny Snowshoe or a very tall one.

Another way to ‘hedge your bets’ is to weigh your kitty at 16 weeks of age, double this number, and this will generally give you a good idea of their adult weight as well. Between all of these methods, you should have a pretty good idea – just don’t start your cat on any diets without asking the vet.

We’ll give you a little nutrition information today to help keep things ‘on-track’, but again if your kitty is a little bit out of the weight ranges that we’ve provided today then be sure to check with your vet first before changing their diet. Some kitties, after all, are just a little more unique than others and that’s perfectly normal.

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Snowshoe Cat Weight By Age

Snowshoe cat Weight by age chart

Your Snowshoe cat, if they are a male, will typically stand anywhere from 8 inches tall up to 13 inches (20.32-33.02cm), while females will typically be a little smaller at a projected 7 to 11 inches (17.78-27.94cm)

As far as their projected weights, males typically fall in a range of anywhere from 8 to 14 pounds (3.6-6.35kilos), while females will be a little lighter, at a more modest 8 to 12 pounds (3.6-5.44 kilos). While these numbers aren’t set in stone, these are the statistical averages that we’ll be starting off with.

Here is an at-a-glance growth approximation for this breed:

Snowshoe Cat Weight by AgeMale Snowshoe CatFemale Snowshoe Cat
3 months 4-5 pounds/1.8-2.26 kilos3-4 pounds/1.36-1.8 kilos
6 months5-6 pounds/2.26-2.7 kilos4-5 pounds/1.8-2.26 kilos
9 months6-7 pounds/2.7 kilos to 3.175-6 pounds/2.2-2.7 kilos
1 year 8-9 pounds/3.6-4.08 kilos6-8 pounds/2.7-3.6 kilos
3 years10-14 pounds/4.5-6.35 kilos8-12 pounds/3.6-5.44 kilos
Snowshoe Cat Weight By Age

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The weight of the male and the female will tend to stay fairly close, until you get into the later years. These cats are very long lived- with a life expectancy typically between 15 to 20 years, and just like us it’s not uncommon for your cat to pack in a few extra pounds as they get older.

As such, it’s a good idea to get in the habit of providing healthy snacks that aren’t too high in calories and we’ll get into that a little more in the sections to follow. For now, let’s take a look at some breed-specific variables that you should know about with your  Snowshoe kitty.

Variables that can affect your Snowshoe’s weight

While Snowshoe cats tend to be long lived, they do have some conditions which they are prone to,  just like you would find with among other cat breeds. For instance, this breed is considered to be more at risk for hyperthyroidism, which can manifest as your kitty losing weight while always seeming hungry.

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Snowshoe Cat Weight By Age

This is something that is manageable, and regular vet checkups can help to ensure that if your Snowshoe cat is at risk that this is something that you will be able to catch quickly and begin management on. In earlier years of your cat’s life, you should also make sure that you are aggressive with their worming schedule.

This is especially the case if your cat is spending time outside, but even indoor kitties should get checked and dewormed 4 times a year as adults. As kittens, it is going to be more frequent, and it is recommended that you bring them in to the vet at 2, 4, 6, and 8 weeks of age for deworming.

Beyond their regular worming schedule (like any other cat breeds) and the hyperthyroidism potential, there is little to worry about as far as your cat’s weight, other than counting up their calories and making sure (especially with indoor cats) that you don’t overdo things when it comes to their snacks!

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Snowshoe Cat Weight By Age

Counting your cat’s calories for proper nutrition

Your Snowshoe cat should be eating 50 – 56 calories per every 2 pounds/.9 kilo of body weight. With kittens and adults that are very active, go with the 28 calories model, and with kittens divide up their daily calories in 3 to 4 feedings a day. The calorie range for a 10 pound/4.53 kilo cat should be 250-280 per day.

For adults, 2 feedings a day is fine, but you should make sure that they are less than 12 hours apart. If your cat waits too long between feedings, their hyperacidity may occur, and separating feedings by no more than 10 hours is a good idea to make sure that your cat isn’t feeling hungry or hyperacidic.

If your schedule won’t permit this or you want to divide up their meals into 3 or 4 a day, but will not be home, then an automatic feeder is a great and inexpensive option.

It lets you schedule your cat’s feedings and once they are used to the feeder, they’ll be less likely to ‘beg’ because they’ll already know when the next feeding is coming.

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Snowshoe Cat Weight By Age

Care considerations for the Snowshoe cat breed

Aside from hyperthyroidism, Snowshoe cats are also prone to heart problems as they get more advanced in their years. Due to this, it’s a good idea to be picky about the kind of snack foods that you are giving them. Lean fish and chicken is always a good option and baked or boiled is always better than fried.

Thankfully, while they are sometimes shy, Snowshoe cats are known for being active and playful, so generally your cat will be getting a lot of exercise, even if they are an indoor kitty. If you notice them sleeping more, then it might be a good idea to ‘rotate’ their toys a bit in order to keep their interest.

Cats can get bored with the same toys every day, much like we do, though there are certainly some items that get more mileage than others. If you aren’t having a lot of luck with their toys, then go with the classics and get a nice laser pointer.

On a very long list of available cat toys in the world, the simple laser pointer is still king, and it’s a very interactive type of play that you can share with your little one so that you are both having a little quality time and fun together.

Snowshoe Cat Weight By Age

Snowshoe cats – diet

If you have more than one Snowshoe cat or you simply want to spoil them a little while ‘scratching your own itch’ for a delicious snack, then you might consider a food dehydrator.

This allows you to make your own jerky and if you have a lot of pets, then this is an inexpensive way to provide healthy treat that EVERYONE will love. Dehydrators are relatively inexpensive, as when you consider the shelf life of the treats that you make and the savings from buying commercial treats, they just make solid sense.

The biggest cause of obesity in cats is generally sharing our meals, which tend to be much higher in calories than is really good for your kitty. Add in that they are obligate carnivores and cannot process some veggie vitamins on their own, and then some ‘healthy’ options might actually be wasted time.

That said, you can’t go wrong with dried meat, so consider a dehydrator if you’d like to spoil your kitty with some healthy, homemade goodness in the form of your own beef, chicken, or fish jerky. Your kitty will definitely thank you for it!

Snowshoe Cat Weight By Age

Some closing words on the Snowshoe cat breed

With a life-expectancy of up to 20 years, it’s a good idea to know a little about your cat’s optimal diet and expected growth, and we hope that the tips that we have shared today will serve you well.

Just remember, while we can project your cat’s growth, no 2 kitties are alike, so be sure to get the final word with your vet if you are considering any diet modifications. Make sure that your cat is getting their 250-280 calories per day and beyond this, don’t forget their quarterly vet checkups to catch any potential problems.

These are robust kitties, so a lot of your work is cut out for you, but with a little extra attention to their calories and a whole lot of love then you can really hedge your bets towards a happy, healthy, and long life for your Snowshoe kitty!

How big does a Snowshoe cat get?

Snowshoe cats are typically 8-14 pounds and 7-11 inches tall.

Are Snowshoe cats large?

Yes, Snowshoe cats are large! They have long bodies and legs, and their rear legs are significantly longer than their front legs.

How much should a male Snowshoe cat weigh?

A 1-year-old male Snowshoe cat should weigh between 3.6-4.1 kg

What are the most common Snowshoe cat health problems?

One of the most common health problems for Snowshoe cats is a condition called hyperthyroidism, which is a disorder that results in an overproduction of thyroid hormones. Other common health problems for Snowshoe cats include obesity and heart disease. Snowshoe cats are generally healthy, but they can be prone to some health problems, including:
– Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP)
– FeLV and FIV
– Heart disease
– Urinary tract infections (UTIs)
– Diabetes mellitus

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