Can Cats Eat Chocolate? Would Little Chocolate Hurt? Can Cats Eat Chocolate Ice Cream?

Most pet owners know that chocolate is toxic to dogs, but what about cats? Can cats eat chocolate?

Can Cats Eat Chocolate

Can Cats Eat Chocolate? Why Chocolate Is Not Good For Cats?

Can cats eat chocolate or eat chocolate ice cream? The answer is no, cats cannot eat chocolate. Chocolate is toxic to cats. Chocolate contains theobromine and caffeine, which are both stimulants that can be harmful to cats.

Any amount of chocolate (that includes any types of chocolate: dark chocolate, white chocolate, milk chocolate) can cause vomiting, diarrhea, seizures, and can be potentially fatal to cats.

Why Is Chocolate Bad For Cats?

Chocolate is a food that many people enjoy, but cats cannot and should not eat chocolate. Chocolate contains caffeine and theobromine, phenylethylamine, all of which can be toxic to cats.

Caffeine is a stimulant that can cause agitation, increased heart rate and blood pressure, and seizures. Theobromine is a cardiac stimulant that can also cause seizures and death. Phenylethylamine is an amphetamine-like compound that can cause restlessness, hyperactivity, and vomiting.

Chocolate contains sugar and fat, both of which can lead to obesity and diabetes in cats. Chocolate can also cause gastrointestinal problems such as diarrhea and vomiting. In severe cases, chocolate poisoning can lead to liver failure and death.

chocolate aren’t right for cats

Why Is Chocolate Toxic To Cats? (Chocolate Toxicity).

Chocolate toxicity is a real danger for cats, and many ingredients in chocolate are not safe for cats and can even kill your cat.

Chocolate is toxic mainly because of theobromine and caffeine:

  • Theobromine: This is the chocolate ingredient responsible for its psychoactive effects. It’s a stimulant that can cause heart problems, seizures, and even death in cats.
  • Caffeine: Like theobromine, caffeine is a stimulant that can cause heart problems, seizures, and death in cats.

Other harmful ingredients are:

  • Phenylethylamine: This chemical (amino acid) is also found in chocolate and has been known to cause heart problems and vomiting in cats and can harm cats with phenylketonuria (PKU). 
  • Tannins are plant-based chemicals that can cause liver damage and stomach upset in cats.
  • Oxalates: These substances can form crystals inside the cat’s body that can damage the kidneys and urinary tract.
  • Resveratrol: This compound is found in red wine and has been linked to cat kidney failure.
  • Histamines: These chemicals can trigger allergic reactions in cats, leading to skin problems, vomiting, and diarrhea.
  • Methylxanthines: These substances can cause vomiting, diarrhea, panting, and excessive thirst in cats.
  • Lactose: Cats are lactose intolerant at any age, but it’s more common in adult cats. They can experience digestive problems like diarrhea, bloating, and gas.
Food like chocolate is bad for cats

There are also many potential health issues in cats. These include:

  • Pancreatitis – Chocolate can cause inflammation of the pancreas in cats.
  • Heart disease – The caffeine and fat in chocolate can increase the risk of heart disease in cats.
  • Urinary tract problems – The sugar in chocolate can contribute to developing urinary tract stones and other problems in cats.
  • Cancer – Some of the chemicals in chocolate may increase the risk of cancer in cats.
  • Neurological problems – Theobromine can cause neurological problems in cats, including tremors and seizures.
  • Insulin resistance – Chocolate can contribute to insulin resistance in cats, leading to diabetes mellitus.
  • Constipation – The sugar (or artificial sweeteners) content of chocolate can cause constipation in cats.
  • Diarrhea – The sugar content of chocolate can also cause diarrhea in cats.
  • Weight gain – Obesity is a major problem for many cats, and the high-calorie content of chocolate can contribute to weight gain.

All the above is a reason why cats shouldn’t eat any foods that contain chocolate, as it can be poisonous to cats.

My Cat Licked Chocolate. Will A Few Licks Of Chocolate Hurt My Cat?

Yes, a few licks of chocolate can make them ill. Chocolate is poisonous to pets and can cause them to vomit, have diarrhea, and experience seizures. It is important to keep chocolate away from your cat and to contact your vet if you see or think your cat has ingested chocolate.

There is a dosage of chocolate that can kill your cat. Chocolate contains theobromine, which is toxic to cats. The lethal dosage of theobromine for cats is about 200 milligrams per kilogram of body weight. This means that a 10-pound cat might die after eating about 2 ounces of chocolate.

Can Cats Eat Chocolate

What Do I Do If My Cat Did Eat Chocolate?

Chocolate is a delicious treat but can be dangerous for your cat. Chocolate contains theobromine and caffeine, which are both toxic to cats. If your cat has eaten chocolate, he could experience vomiting, diarrhea, heart problems, or seizures.

To prevent your feline from eating chocolate, keep it out of reach. If you suspect that your cat ate chocolate, help your cat and get him to the veterinarian immediately.

There is some info online suggesting that cat owners can induce vomiting at home with hydrogen peroxide, but that should never happen hydrogen peroxide is not toxic to dogs, but it is dangerous to give your cat.

licking an empty bowl

Frequently Asked Question:

Is It OK To Give Your Cat Chocolate Ice Cream?

Although a chocolate ice cream bowl may be a tempting treat for cats, it isn’t good for cats to eat ice cream. Chocolate contains theobromine, a toxic compound for cats and can cause serious health problems.

Symptoms of chocolate poisoning in cats include vomiting, diarrhea, increased heart rate, and seizures. In severe cases, chocolate poisoning can be fatal. For this reason, it is important to keep chocolate ice cream away from your feline.

Ice cream’s main ingredient is milk (sugar and lactose), so whether your kitty will eat vanilla, chocolate, or any other flavor of ice cream, it’s not good because of their lactose intolerance.

There are many delicious foods and great cat treats available to buy, so stick to feeding your cat with good brands cat food (dry or wet food) that cats like and something that is a natural part of your cat’s overall diet.

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