Birman Cat Weight By Age Full Guide

There are so many different breeds of cats in the world that it can be very hard to know exactly what you are getting with each one. For example, what kind of weight and size are Birman cats as they grow up?

Birman cats are a medium breed in general, although some can be quite petite, and others grow to be a little larger.

Birman Cat Weight By Age

On average, they reach between 5 and 12 pounds when fully grown, with males usually being noticeably larger than females.

Although their name derives from a connection to Burma, they are a distinctly different breed to the Burmese cat.

Read ahead to find out all there is to know about the weight and size of Birman cats as they grow up, and other information about these beautiful felines that would be useful to any potential owner or cat lover.

Birman Cat Weight By Age

When it comes to their weight, the Birman cat breed is relatively average for a domestic cat. They are not overly large or particularly small, although they do have slightly stocky bodies.

Just from looking at them, it can be hard to tell how heavy they might be because they have a good covering of relatively long fur that disguises their true shape underneath.

If you are looking to raise one of these beautiful animals, or you have brought one home for the first time, then you will want to know what kind of weight they tend to be as they grow older.

Read the chart below to get an idea of how much a Birman cat weighs on average during the major growth stages of its life.

Birman Cat Weight By Age

Birman Cat Weight Chart

AgeBirman Cat – MaleBirman Cat – Female
3 Months1.1 – 1.6 kg (2.4 – 3.5 lbs)1.0 – 1.5 kg (2.2 – 3.3 lbs)
4 Months1.3 – 2.0 kg (2.9 – 4.4 lbs)1.2 – 2.0 kg (2.6 – 4.4 lbs)
5 Months1.5 – 2.4 kg (3.3 – 5.3 lbs)1.4 – 2.4 kg (3.1 – 5.3 lbs)
6 Months1.7 – 2.8 kg (3.7 – 6.2 lbs)1.5 – 2.6 kg (3.3 – 5.7 lbs)
7 Months1.9 – 3.2 kg (4.2 – 7.1 lbs)1.6 – 2.8 kg (3.5 – 6.2 lbs)
8 Months2.1 – 3.6 kg (4.6 – 7.9 lbs)1.7 – 3.0 kg (3.7 – 6.6 lbs)
9 Months2.3 – 4.0 kg (5.1 – 8.8 lbs)1.8 – 3.2 kg (4.0 – 7.1 lbs)
10 Months2.4 – 4.4 kg (6.6 – 9.9 lbs)1.9 – 3.4 kg (4.2 – 7.5 lbs)
11 Months2.5 – 4.8 kg (5.3 – 10.6 lbs)2.0 – 3.6 kg (4.4 – 7.9 lbs)
1 Year (12 months)2.6 – 5.2 kg (5.7 – 11.5 lbs)2.1 – 3.8 kg (4.6 – 8.4 lbs)
3 Years (36 months)2.7 – 5.4 kg (6.0 – 12.0 lbs)2.2 – 3.6 kg (5.0 – 8.5 lbs)

Make sure to note when you’re looking at these numbers that they are not critical ranges for Birman cats, they are just typical averages that you are likely to see with expected growth.

Some cats will be larger or smaller than might be predicted for their breed and age, and that’s okay!

How Quickly Do Birman Cats Grow?

Not all cat breeds grow at the same rate, and some reach adulthood much later than others.

Birman cats are not particularly fast to grow, and they are often almost 3 years old before they have reached full maturity.

This doesn’t necessarily mean that they will be getting bigger at the same rate for all of this time, though.

Typically, Birman cats put on between 0.5 and 1 pound of weight every month until they are around one year old. By this point, they will be close to their full size.

Birman Cat Weight By Age

Then, they might fill out a little and grow at a slower rate over the next couple of years, but they won’t change as much as they do within that first year.

As an owner, you will obviously be concerned about how much weight your Birman kittens put on every month, but don’t panic if you are not seeing consistent growth.

Your Birman cat will go through some periods of slow growth and experience some growth spurts, and they are far from predictable.

If, however, your kitten is gaining less than 0.5 pounds per month for multiple months in a row, then you should contact your vet.

It might be that they are just a late bloomer, but they may not be getting all of the nutrition that their body needs, or there may have a medical problem of some kind.

Birman cat breed: How Big Are Birman Cats?

Birman cats are a great breed for most households, as they are not too big but they are not too tiny either!

When they reach their full size, they normally measure between 8 and 10 inches in height, and around 15 to 18 inches in length.

Birman Cat Weight By Age

They can look a little larger than they are, though, because of their luxurious, fluffy coats.

Not every Birman cat will have long hair, as it can be medium in length, but it is always silky and soft. They don’t have a thick undercoat like many other longer-haired cats do, which makes them slightly less prone to matting – a definite plus when you are grooming them!

Are Birman Cats Similar To Burmese Cats?

Birman cats (Also known as “Sacred Cat of Burma”) are often confused with Burmese cats, but they are actually almost nothing alike!

Although they do share a similar name (both deriving their name from the country of Burma) Birman cats and Burmese cats are very different in practically every other way.

Burmese cats are typically much larger and longer in shape than a Birman, with shorter fur that is more dense and compact.

Burmese cats are also generally much darker shades all over, and they tend to have green or yellow eyes rather than the striking sapphire blue eyes that most Birmans have.

Birman cats, by comparison, are shorter and more stocky, with a distinct Roman nose and shorter, wider ears.

Their heads are shaped very differently, they have much longer fur, and they are colorpoint as well – which means their faces, feet, and tails are dark but their bodies are pale.

When it comes down to it, these two cat breeds could not be more different, apart from in name!

Birman Cat Weight By Age

Where Did Birman Breed Get Their Name?

The reason why these cats are called “Birmans” relates to their history, although no one is exactly sure what that is! No record shows the true origin of the breed, though there are many stories about them.

Some say these cats originated in Burma in the temples of what is now known as Myanmar (temple cats).

There are also stories of them being smuggled out of the country by a member of the famous Vanderbilt family.

In more recent history, Birman cats were almost lost completely as a breed in the 1930s. Only two of these beautiful cats survived the Second World War in Europe – a couple called Orloff and Xenia de Kaabaa.

Fortunately, they were able to breed and continue the line, with some help from other long-hair cat breeds like the Persian and Siamese cat.

What Weight Should My Birman Cat Be?

It is a constant cause of worry for many cat owners: what sort of weight should my cat be?

Well, it’s important to remember that every individual cat is unique and different. Even though there may be expectations for their breed, you might simply have a particularly large or small Birman on your hands!

When you’re thinking about your cat’s weight, don’t stress about what the scales are telling you, think more about their weight in relation to their size, and how healthy they are looking and feeling.

There are some simple ways to check whether your Birman cat might have put on a few too many pounds.

  • Look at their body shape. Although Birman’s are quite stocky, they should still have a waist that is slightly narrower than their chest or hips. It can be hard to see through all of that hair, though!
  • Feel their body shape. To see if their stomach area is a little too wide, you can run your hands down the sides of your cat’s body. You should notice a slight inward curve at their waist.
  • Feel their ribs. If you press gently on your cat’s sides, you should be able to feel their ribcage and hipbones through their skin and fat layer.
  • Watch their movements. Your Birman should be active and mobile, and they shouldn’t have too much trouble climbing stairs or jumping onto low objects.

If you are concerned at all about how much weight your Birman is carrying, then you should consult with a vet.

They will help you to get a full examination and make a plan if your Birman cat does need to slim down.

An overweight cat is at risk of quite a number of health conditions, so it is important that they stay active and are not overfed!

Birman Cat Weight By Age

What Size Cat Carrier Should I Choose for a Birman Cat of a Certain Age?

When it comes to choosing the right cat carrier size for a Birman cat of a certain age, it is important to consider their comfort and safety. A carrier that is too small can cause stress and anxiety, while one that is too big may make them feel insecure. It is recommended to select a carrier that allows the cat to comfortably stand, turn around, and lie down. Proper sizing ensures a pleasant travel experience for both you and your feline companion.

Are Birman and Ragdoll cats the same?

No, Birman and Ragdoll cats are not the same. They may look similar, but they are actually two completely different breeds.

Birman cat is a domestic cat breed that originated in France, while Ragdoll cat is a domesticated cat breed that originated in the United States. Birmans are slightly larger than Ragdolls and have a foreign import registration with The International Cat Association (TICA). Ragdolls, on the other hand, have a Domestic Registries registration with TICA.

Summary: Birman Cat Weight By Age Full Guide

So, how big are Birman cats and what do they weigh as they get older?

Well, they usually gain around 0.5 to 1 pound of weight per month from the age of around 3 months to about 1 year, when they typically reach between 5 and 12 pounds once they are fully grown.

Males are usually larger and heavier than females, overall, but they tend to be about 8-10 inches tall and 15-18 inches long.

Birman cats or “Sacred Cat of Burma” (temple cats) generally keep maturing for quite a long time, although at a slower rate once they have reached 12 months of age. They are often not considered fully mature until they are about 3 years old.

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