There are many different breeds of cats out there, each with their own unique characteristics and features. If you’re looking at some of the medium to large-sized cat breeds, then you will want to know: How much does a Russian Blue cat weigh throughout its life?
Russian Blues are a medium-sized cat breed. When they are fully grown, they usually weigh anywhere from 7 to 15 pounds. Males are often a little larger, with an average weight of 10-12 pounds, whereas females typically weigh between 7 and 10 pounds. They have elegant features, striking coloring, and a dense coat that makes them look a little larger than they actually are.

Read on to learn all about Russian Blues and how they grow and change as they get older.
Russian Blue Weight By Age
The majestic and gentle Russian Blue is a very popular breed for families and first-time cat owners for their easy-going personalities and sensitive souls. They make very loving companions, and they’re beautiful to look at as well!
Russian Blues are not the largest cats out there, Russian Blues are not exactly petite either. Some females can be quite light, but larger males can weigh as much as 15 pounds when they are fully grown.
Let’s see what sort of weight you can expect from a Russian Blue cat as they develop through their most important growth stages.
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Russian Blue Cat – Weight By Age Chart
Age | Male | Female |
3 Months | 1.2 – 1.9 kg (2.6 – 4.2 lbs) | 1.2 – 1.8 kg (2.6 – 4.0 lbs) |
4 Months | 1.7 – 2.4 kg (3.7 – 5.3 lbs) | 1.4 – 2.2 kg (3.1 – 4.7 lbs) |
5 Months | 2.1 – 2.9 kg (4.6 – 6.4 lbs) | 1.7 – 2.5 kg (3.7 – 5.5 lbs) |
6 Months | 2.4 – 3.5 kg (5.3 – 7.4 lbs) | 2.0 – 2.8 kg (4.4 – 6.2 lbs) |
7 Months | 2.7 – 4.0 kg (6.0 – 8.8 lbs) | 2.2 – 3.1 kg (4.7 – 6.8 lbs) |
8 Months | 3.0 – 4.5 kg (6.6 – 9.9 lbs) | 2.4 – 3.4 kg (5.3 – 7.5 lbs) |
9 Months | 3.2 – 5.0 kg (7.0 – 11.0 lbs) | 2.6 – 3.7 kg (5.7 – 8.2 lbs) |
10 Months | 3.4 – 5.5 kg (7.5 – 12.1 lbs) | 2.8 – 4.2 kg (6.2 – 9.3 lbs) |
11 Months | 3.6 – 6.0 kg (7.9 – 13.2 lbs) | 3.0 – 4.5 kg (6.6 – 9.9 lbs) |
1 Year (12 months) | 3.8 – 6.5 kg (8.4 – 14.3 lbs) | 3.1 – 4.8 kg (6.8 – 10.6 lbs) |
3 Years (36 months) | 4.1 – 6.8 kg (9.0 – 15.0 lbs) | 3.2 – 5.0 kg (7.0 – 11.0 lbs) |
The numbers used in this chart are all averages that are based on the expected growth rate of a Russian Blue cat – they are not strict figures for exactly how much a cat should weigh at any given age. Don’t worry if your Russian Blue cat doesn’t exactly fit the range that might be predicted for its age, they might simply be larger or smaller than the average!
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Most Russian Blue cats will gain between 0.5 and 1 pound every month up until they are around 12-18 months old. After this point, they will be about as big as they are going to get, and they should have reached their adult size.
It’s important to note, however, that every cat is different, and some will grow at a slower or faster pace than others. You will also notice that your Russian Blue kitten will go through some growth spurts, as well as some periods where they are just not getting much bigger – and that is normal too!
Are Russian Blue Cats Heavy?
Russian Blue cats can look very heavy and stocky, but they are probably lighter than you think when you actually pick them up. Although the Russian Blue breed is strong with muscular bodies, they are more slender than they appear.
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It’s actually their famous coats that gives this illusion. Not only are their coats a beautiful and striking silvery-grey color, but they are also very thick and dense as well. All of the plush fur around a Russian Blue’s neck and shoulders makes them look like they are quite stocky, but their bodies underneath are actually relatively thin and graceful.
Amazingly, the benefits of a Russian Blue’s fur don’t stop there – there’s even more to love about this coat than how it looks and feels. Russian Blue cats are very low shedders, which is great for keeping a tidy house.
Although they are not completely hypoallergenic (which no cat truly is!), their low-shedding coats do help to reduce itching and sneezing in allergy sufferers, as does the fact that they produce lower levels of the allergen Fel d 1.
How Much Is My Russian Blue Cat Supposed To Weigh?
When you start thinking about the size that the average cat in any breed might grow to, it’s easy to become concerned about the weight of your own kitty. Don’t worry – there isn’t an exact “correct” weight for a cat based on its breed.
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Each cat is a unique individual, with their own needs and characteristics. There is a wide variety of different weights that can be perfectly healthy for a Russian Blue cat, as long as they are within a normal range based on their size.
Rather than focussing too much on the number on the scales, you should be monitoring the overall health and wellbeing of your cat, and looking out for signs that they’re not feeling comfortable and lively.
Are Russian Blue Cats Prone To Obesity?
One of the first things that you will notice as Russian Blue cat pet parents are that these cats love their food. They are big eaters and they don’t know when enough is enough. This does, unfortunately, mean that they are prone to obesity and becoming overweight, which can be a very serious issue for any pet.
Estimates show that over 50% of all pet cats in the US are overweight, with more than 30% being classified as obese. These figures are very worrying as excess weight causes many health problems for cats.
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Russian Blues that are overweight or obese are at greater risk for many significant conditions, including:
- Cancer
- Joint Problems
- Breathing Issues
- Gastrointestinal Complications
- Skin Conditions
- Heart and Liver Disease
Any pet that is overweight or obese is likely to live for fewer years than those that are within a healthy weight range. You want your Russian Blue cat to be with you for as long as possible, so it is important that you keep an eye on their health and weight.
Is My Russian Blue Overweight?
As we’ve previously mentioned – the number on the scales does not tell you everything about what is right for your cat. A heavier weight might be completely safe and healthy for a big cat and, on the other hand, a smaller cat can be overweight and still be on the lower end of average for their breed.
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When it comes to the weight of your Russian Blue, there are a few things that you can keep an eye on instead of looking at their weight alone. Here are some very easy tips for examining your cat at home.
- Look at your cat from above. On a healthy Russian Blue, you should see a slight inward curve between their hips and their chest.
- Feel the sides of your cat’s body. Although their fur is dense and thick, you should still feel your Russian Blue’s ribcage and hips underneath their skin.
- Monitor your cat’s behavior. Russian Blues are naturally strong and muscular animals, so they should be able to climb and jump with relative ease. Russian Blue should also be active and enthusiastic, and they typically love to play!
If you can’t see an inward curve at your cat’s waist or you can’t feel their ribcage or hip bones through a thick layer of fat, then Russian Blue might be overweight. Equally, if your Russian Blue is not as active as they should be, or is struggling with jumping and climbing the stairs, they may have gained a few too many pounds.

If you are at all concerned about the weight or growth rate of your cat, then you should contact your veterinarian so Russian Blue can be examined by a professional. You might need to make changes to their diet and lifestyle, or you might find that they are struggling with a medical issue that needs to be addressed.
Don’t forget – your cat gets the vast majority of their food from you. You can help them to maintain a healthy, high-quality diet, and avoid overfeeding!
How Big Do Russian Blue Cats Get?
Of course, weight isn’t everything, there’s size to think about as well! Russian Blue cats grow to medium size, with quite long and athletic bodies.
Most adult Russian Blues are between 8 and 10 inches (20-25cm) tall, up to the shoulder, and have a body length of between 15 and 19 inches (38-46cm).

Russian Blue Cat History
The Russian blue cat is a beautiful and graceful creature with a long and interesting history. Though its exact origins are unknown, it is believed that the Russian blue breed descended from cats that lived in northern Russia.
These cats were prized by the Russian czars and were often given as gifts to dignitaries from other countries. However, world war II took a toll on the Russian blue population, and the breed nearly became extinct. Fortunately, a few Russian blue cats were taken to England and Sweden during the war, where they were used to help create new bloodlines.
Today, the Russian blue is once again a popular breed, known for its intelligence, affectionate nature, and beautiful blue coat.

Summary: Russian Blue Weight By Age Full Guide
So, how much do Russian Blue cats usually weigh throughout their life? Typically, most Russian Blues grow by between half a pound and a pound every month until Russian Blue kittens are around a year old. By this point, Russian Blue tend to weigh somewhere between 7 and 15 pounds.
Male Russian Blues are generally on the larger side and females are often a bit smaller. These beautiful cats do love their meals, so it is important that you help them to maintain a healthy diet and watch their weight, so that you can be sure Russian Blues are staying as happy and healthy as possible!