Bombay Cat Weight By Age

Bombay cats are quite the beautiful breed. Black as midnight, stocky and sweet, and looking rather like a black leopard or miniature black panther as the original breeders from the 1950s intended.

Thankfully, Bombay kittens are 100% domesticated cats, so you won’t have to worry about having a giant cat in your home, but even so it’s good to have an idea of how they will grow over the years so that you know what to expect and when you should be worried.

Bombay Cat Weight By Age

Today we’ll take a close look at the weight expectations from 3 months to 3 years of life for your Bombay cat and provide you with some general information that you can use, as well as some health tips, diet information, and more. Without further ado, let’s take a look at what you need to know about Bombay cats growing up!

Bombay Cat Weight By Age

To start things off, we want to mention that there are two types of Bombay cats – the British variety and the American one. British Bombay cats were bred with a mix of Burmese cats and local black fluffy cats, while the American variety are a mix of Burmese cats and black American shorthair cats.

While we can give you an approximation of projected growth rates, just remember that there are the two types and some deviation is to be expected, even if we specifically focus on just one type. Cats are fairly unique, and the size of the parent cats, the time that they were neutered, and another variable can make a big difference.

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Bombay Cat Weight By Age

Our intent here is to basically give you some ‘loose weight expectations’ that will help you to tell if your kitty is radically under or overweight. If your Bombay cat is just a pound or two o er or under expectations, then you’ll want to check with their vet before making any radical changes.

After all, each Bombay cat is unique, so from time to time you’ll end up with a Bombay kitten that is a bit on the short side or tall enough to peek over obstacles to see what exactly you are eating and decide if they want to come and ask for a bit. When in doubt, always check with the vet!

Growth projections by month for your Bombay cat

While their name is meant to give you a mental image of the Indian Black Leopard, the relation is in the ‘Bombay’ name only. These beautiful Bombay cats are completely domesticated (domestic cat), have no Leopard genes whatsoever, and a much more modest growth projection over the years.

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Bombay Cat Weight By Age

The Bombay cat breed is a medium sized cat. Fully-grown males will typically stand at 11-14 inches/28-36 cm and females are a little smaller, with average heights falling between 10 and 12 inches/25.4-30.48, but that’s not graven in stone and you might well end up with smaller male and a taller female – it’s ultimately about DNA and the ‘luck of the draw’.

Bombay Cat Weight By Age Chart

Bombay Cats Weight by AgeMale Bombay CatFemale Bombay Cat
3 months 3 pounds/ 1.36 kilos2-3 pounds/ .9 – 1.36 kilos
6 months4 -5 pounds/ 1.81 – 2.26 kilos3-4 pounds/ 1.36-1.81 kilos
9 months6-7 pounds/ 2.72 – 3.17 kilos5-6 pounds/ 2.26-2.72 kilos
1 year8- 13 pounds/ 3.62-5.89 kilos6-11 pounds/ 2.72-4.98 kilos
3 years8-15 pounds/ 3.62-6.80 kilos8-13 pounds/ 3.62-5.89 kilos

Variables that can affect your Bombay’s weight

Watching your Bombay cat weight is important. This is a stocky cat breed, and so adult Bombay cats are a little more susceptible to becoming overweight than many other cat breeds. As such, you’ll need to be careful about high-calorie snacks and free-feeding (employing a feeder that keeps the bowl constantly full) is not recommended.

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Bombay Cat Weight By Age

If your Bombay cat is a bit on the small side and they are a rescue, then it might mean that they were not neutered or spayed at an early age. This is something that can affect all domesticated cats as they tend to grow at a slower rate before being spayed or neutered.

While it won’t affect a cat’s weight early on, we do need to advise that Bombay cats are prone to heart conditions as they get older, and so it’s a good idea to try to wean them off of fried foods and other high cholesterol options early-on to help to keep this at bay and ensure better health in the long run.

Finally, you want to make sure that your Bombay cat is getting plenty of exercises each day, so scheduled playing sessions and lots of toys are going to be a must, especially if your Bombay is strictly an indoor kitty.

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Bombay Cat Weight By Age

Counting your cat’s calories for proper nutrition

Bombay cats have a fairly robust build and tend to be very active cats, so it is recommended that they get between 40 -66 calories per every 2 pounds/.9 kilos of body weight. For an average, 10 pound Bombay kitty, that means that Bombay cats need 200-330 calories each day.

To give you an idea on how that compares in commercial cat food portions, 1 cup of dry cat kibble is about 300 calories on average, while a 6 ounce can of wet food is about 250 calories.

If your cat is still a kitten or a young adult, or simply very active, then go for the higher 330 per day calorie range, as they need more nutrients as they develop when they are young and if older and more active, Bombay cats will definitely be burning more ‘fuel’. This should be divided into 3-4 feedings per day

According to the cat fanciers association If your cat is an indoor adult with a low or moderate level of activity, then 200 or 250 is fine, and you go to twice a day feedings. If your cat needs multiple daily feedings but you won’t be home, then consider an automatic feeder. They can dispense your cat’s meals while you are out on any schedule!

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Bombay Cat Weight By Age

Care considerations for the Bombay cat breed

Bombay cats have relatively few health conditions that they are prone to, although the aforementioned heart problems are certainly one to keep in mind. Beyond this, their short muzzles sometimes lead to breathing difficulties and their eyes tends to tear up sometimes.

The former you can help to manage with regular vet visits, so that you can catch any problems before they arise, and for your cat’s eyes you can simply use a damp, clean cloth and gently rub them clean when your cat’s eyes are tearing up and this will help.

The potential for obesity is really going to be the biggest problem, and coupled with the potential heart problems you’ll really want to try to weed out the cholesterol and to watch their calories. For instance, once slice of cheddar cheese is about 113 calories (not to mention that you have to be careful, some Bombay cats are lactose intolerant).

As long as you research some of their favorite snacks and make sure that your cat has toys and playtime with you for proper exercise, their weight isn’t all that hard to manage, you just need to go into it with the knowledge of which ‘human snacks’ are okay to share and which are best left on your plate!

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Bombay Cat Weight By Age

Bonus tips about your Bombay’s diet

If you want to help to keep your Bombay slim and looking their best, you might want to consider giving them sardines or some delicious salmon once or twice a week, in a serving size of one tablespoon. These foods and the oils they are packed with are quite good for your kitty’s coat, thanks to omega fatty acids.

The lean meats are also going to be naturally less fatty and your cat will certainly love them as a treat. If you are worried about your ‘mini-panther’ ending up with fish breath, you can try giving them a small slice of apple to go with their fish.

Some Bombay cats love apple slices, but you’ll have to try it out with your cat as not every cat will enjoy them. If your cat DOES like them, however, they make for an excellent breath-freshener and the fibrous fruit also helps in brushing their teeth.

Speaking of which, brushing your cat’s teeth at least twice a week (or more often if they like the kitty toothpaste, which is flavored!) can help to keep gingivitis at bay and this can help to ensure that they eat enough. Whenever your cat has dental issues, eating becomes painful, so you can stop this possibility before it starts!   

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Bombay Cat Weight By Age

Some final words on Bombay cats and their growth cycles

Bombay cats are quite low maintenance, as it turns out, though as you can see they will need a little nudge to keep them from overeating and regular vet visits every 3 months are certainly still a good idea.

Thankfully, Bombay cats don’t have a lot of health issues (like some other cat breeds), though they are prone to heart problems down the line and it’s best to get them used to healthier snacks if they aren’t already. Finally, if your cat is a little under or overweight in comparison to our projections, be sure to check with your vet before changing their diet.

Just like you and I, every Bombay cat is unique, and let’s face it – this cat breed is definitely a far cry from average when compared to other cat breeds!

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